
Sign Me Up For Safety – slogan competition open to ITD employees
ITD is hosting a slogan competition, open to all department employees statewide, for the 100 Critical Days of Summer. The top 10 slogans will be displayed on Dynamic Message Signs along the interstates throughout Idaho.


Reminder: Mandatory cyber security training due by end of month
There are only a few days left to complete the mandatory Cyber Security training for 2017. It is required for all employees - if you don't get it done by the end of the month, you'll be locked out of your computer system.


District 5
D5 Innovation Steward: Greydon Wright
A few years ago, ITD leadership noticed that great ideas generated out in the field weren't getting submitted into the innovation funnel. The main culprit was not an unwillingness, but rather just not knowing how. So to remove that barrier, innovation stewards were added in each district to facilitate the submission of ideas.


Pemble nominated for prestigious lifetime achievement award
Ed Pemble, the Division of Motor Vehicles’ Modernization Manager, has been nominated by the department for a national lifetime achievement award in highway safety.


Public Transportation
Input sought on statewide public transportation plan through May 5
In January, ITD held meetings throughout Idaho to share information and learn more from the public about public transportation in their areas. As a follow-up, ITD has launched district surveys to give individuals who were unable to attend those meetings an opportunity to provide input.


Information Technology
ITD Technology Services to analyze processes, set performance benchmarks at Governance Conference April 27 in Boise
A Governance Reunion is planned for April 27 at the Red Lion Downtowner in Boise to discuss the management of technology and the dovetailing of that information with departmental objectives.
