
ITD Innovation
ITD's top innovations of 2017 feature safety measures, cost savings and more
The Idaho Transportation Department’s innovation program, now in its fourth year, has already shown some impressive results. The program has saved Idaho taxpayers $5.1 million. Along the way, the innovations have improved customer service, enhanced mobility, and directly impacted safety for highway workers and the traveling public.


District 5
District 5 uses Cold in Place Recycling to cut costs and time on I-15
Crews in D5 were able to reduce costs and save time repaving Interstate 15 this summer by recycling highway materials onsite. The process, called cold in-place recycling, involves removing the top several inches of pavement, mixing it with new components and re-applying it to the road.


Department Performance
District 6 to celebrate accomplishments on Tuesday (Oct. 10)
It’s time to celebrate, and everyone is invited! District 6 is celebrating the Thornton Interchange, the capstone project of a 20-year safety effort, on Oct. 10.


Emergency Preparedness
ITD plans Great Idaho ShakeOut for earthquake preparedness
What will you be doing on 10/19 at 10:19 a.m.? If you’re an ITD employee, you can join thousands of other Idahoans in preparing for an earthquake event during the Great Idaho ShakeOut.


Idaho Transportation Board
Funding, Innovation and safety messages highlight Oct. 12 Idaho Transportation Board in Boise
A discussion of funding sources, this year’s best employee innovations and highway safety messages will be highlights of the October 12 Idaho Transportation Board meeting in the Boise Headquarters complex at 3311 W. State Street.


Department History
1 is 5, 2 is 4. Wait…what?
Realignment is nothing new to ITD. A trip through old Transporters confirms it.
