
Safety Corner
ITD contingent performs well at Western Snow & Ice
The ITD contingent of Matt Beckstead from D5, Robin Freeman from D3 and State Roadeo Coordinator Kelley Dick placed in the top ten in four events to the APWA Western Snow & Ice Conference and National Snow Roadeo. The skills translate into a safer road and better customer service for the road user.


Department Honors
Awards under the Arch
No one starts a transportation project with national awards criteria in mind — ITD employees are much more focused on delivering high-quality products that further safety, mobility and economic opportunity for Idahoans. But sometimes an outstanding effort earns national notice.


District 3
D3 crews spend two weeks in Idaho backcountry repairing airstrip
D3 and Aero partnered to make critical repairs to a backcountry airstrip near Atlanta, making for a unique project. The work achieved two goals – improving a popular airstrip that has gone untouched in three decades, and providing a complex project to meet a career path goal.


Idaho Transportation Board
FY19 highlights, budget revisions, employee recognition to highlight board’s October meeting
A summary of FY19 highway projects, annual report review, budget revisions pertaining to the D4 office building, and employee recognition will highlight the October 17 Idaho Transportation board Meeting in Boise.


ITD employees have an avenue to share their appreciation for the assistance and guidance of colleagues. Recognition and acknowledgement is an essential component of job satisfaction. These are the MVP cards submitted by employees in the past week:


Career Development
ITD Job Openings
The current list of job openings may help inform employees of the career choices available to them that make ITD a great place to work. It also may assist in external recruitment when looking for the best candidates.


DMV County Leadership Conference draws nearly 170 employees, 38 counties
Developing a DMV County Leaders Course, standardized measurement metrics for county offices, and recognizing additional Star Card educational tools were some of the action items resulting from last month’s DMV County Leadership Conference in Meridian.
