
Employee Honors
D1's Carrico, D2's Moore and Traffic Services Earn Maintenance, Safety Accolades
On Nov. 16, ITD recognized transportation technician Tyler Carrico from District 1 and Traffic Services from District 2 as the Co-Maintenance Person/Crew of the Year. Traffic signal electrician Dale Moore earned accolades for District 2 as the Safety Person of the Year.


Leadership Summit - Knowledge Transfer Team
Summit team spearheads knowledge-transfer solution
Every month at ITD, decades or centuries worth of institutional knowledge walk out the door due to retirements, with no way to capture and pass that knowledge down to newer employees. The problem affects sections and districts throughout the department. A recent Leadership Summit team tackled the problem.


Department Activities
Latest In Motion highlight's department activities across the state
There's plenty going on across the Idaho Transportation Department. Jennifer Gonzalez with the Office of Communication shares some highlights in this edition of ITD In Motion.


District 3
Employee Spotlight: Harold Booth, Hammett Maintenance
Meet Harold Booth. Harold drives a snow plow along the highways near his home in Hammett. The 12-man maintenance shed is responsible for 385 lane miles of highway, including 70 miles of mountain roads.


Innovate ITD
What ITD means by a "Times 7" innovation and how you can help
ITD employees have made ITD Innovation a huge success in a few short years, contributing more than 1,200 ideas which created 700 implemented innovations, $5.1 million in savings and efficiencies, and almost 170,000 hours saved. Now it's time for the next step - X7.


District 1
Drager dominates D1 delivery celebration
District 1 delivered 100% of its projects — worth $80 million— for the upcoming year by the statewide deadline of Sept. 29. All it took was collaboration between a group of narwhals, a windblown newscaster, and their colleagues.
