ITD hosted two public hearings in March of 2017 to gather input on proposed improvements to U.S. 20/26 from Eagle Road to I-84.
Below are the materials presented at the March 2017 public meetings held in Caldwell and Meridian.
- Welcome Display
- Background Information
- Study Description
- Study Schedule
- Accident Data from 2009 to 2013
- Accidents by Year/Location
- Traffic Volumes from I-84 to Can-Ada Road
- Traffic Volumes from Can Ada Road to Eagle Road
- Purpose and Need
- Environmental Analysis
- National Environmental Policy Act
- National Environmental Policy Act Chart
- Continuous Flow Intersection (Bicycle/Pedestrian)
- Continuous Flow Intersection (Traffic)
- Existing Conditions
- Preliminary Project Phasing
- Treatments for Impacted Landscaped Berms
- What's Next
ITD gathered input on proposed improvements for U.S. 20/26 from Eagle Road to I-84 at two public open houses and an online meeting in June 2015.