Employee Voting Still Open - Closes Sept. 4

FY19 was another great year for Innovate ITD. In five years, the department's innovation effort has produced some impressive results, and last year was no exception. Employee-driven innovations totalled more than $1.3 million in savings and efficiencies, with nearly 24,000 hours saved and close to 75 customer-service improvements. And best of all, more than 500 employees participated!

Making things safer, streamlining processes, amd saving time and money is the focus of Innovate ITD, and your input will help us find the Best of the Best from the last 12 months.

Innovate ITD has become a national model for other state organizations. We encourage every employee to engage in making their work place a little bit safer, better and improvie how we deliver services to citizens.

Voting for Best of the Best…

- Your innovation stewards and the Innovative Business Practices team selected finalists for each of seven Best of the Best categories from all the innovations employees submitted.

- YOU get to decide this year's Best of the Best. Using the link, you can vote for your favorites through Sept. 4.

- Please take the time to read a little bit about each innovation and vote for the seven you think are the Best of the Best.

- You may cast one vote per category.

Thank you again for all your hard work to make ITD the best transportation department in the country and standing up to be counted in Innovate ITD!   

Below are links to Transporter stories of each of the finalists:  


ITD PPE Program

Enhance Pedestrian Warning for RR Xings

Hydraulic Pressure Release


Short Duration Operations Temporary Traffic-Control Plan

Auxiliary Brine Applicator

511 Winter Traffic Delays


Port of Entry Enhancements

Enterprise Risk Management

Driver Record Dashboard


Training Skills for Subject Matter Experts

Safely Using a Median Crossover

Enhanced AAMVA Training Materials


Repurposed Orange Vests for CDL Skills Test Examiner Safety

SNOW (Safely Navigate Our Winter)

Citizen Feedback on 511 Events


Improved Deployment of Virtual Servers

Switching to Print Organizer

Open Door Visibility


Jersey Barrier Puller

Infrastructure Cleanup

Fuse/Flare Case

To see who won last year,'s Best of the Best, check out the 2018 video.

Published 08-16-19